
looking after that body of yours

looking after that body header

It's not easy staying healthy these days. Especially when there are things like ice cream and armchairs in the world. That's why we've spent the last couple of decades squashing fruit and veg into bottles, so it's a little bit easier for you to do yourself some good. 

Although the health benefits of eating fruit and veg are well known around the world, in the UK more than two thirds of us aren't getting enough of it in our diets. We're on a mission to change that by making sure our drinks are tasty, healthy and convenient so you can drink them when you're out & about. Nothing like drinking a smoothie on a bench to brighten your day.

our philosophy

While our philosophy might not give Plato much to worry about, it does make sure our drinks stay simple, honest and full of goodness (just like they have been since day one).

healthy drinks

We'll never add artificial sweeteners, preservatives, flavourings or colourings to the things we make, and all our recipes will be full of the goodness that comes from fruit & veg.

simple apple tree

no added sugar

We never add sugar.  The only sugar you'll find comes naturally from fruit & veg.

honest fruit veg

all our smoothies are a source of fibre

 We’re aiming for all our smoothies to be made from whole crushed fruit so they’re all a source a fibre. That's especially important when we know lots of us aren't getting enough.

goodness apple

brimming with good stuff

Fruit and veg is full of essential vitamins and minerals like potassium, folate, manganese and vitamin C. Not to mention all the fibre and phytonutrients too. Find out how these clever nutrients look after your body and you'll be a nutrition expert in no time.

brimming with good stuff

helping you hit your 5-a-day

five a day

Smoothies and juices are an easy way to help you reach your 5-a-day, which is pretty handy since two thirds of us in the UK aren't getting enough fruit and veg in our diets1. If everyone did, it's been suggested that we could prevent almost half the estimated 33,000 premature deaths that come from diet-related diseases each year2.

You only need one 150ml glass of an innocent juice or smoothie to hit one of your 5-a-day. For the other four, try any fruit or veg that's fresh, frozen, dried or canned. Nature has kindly given us a whole rainbow of fruit and vegetables, so it's only polite to try as many of them as you can. Whether you prefer to eat or drink your fruit and veg, just make sure you're getting enough.

1. Gibson, S. (2012) Fruit juice consumption in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS 2008-2010): associations with diet quality and indices of obesity and health. Proceedings of Nutrition Society, 71, ppE232.

2. O'Niel, E., Nicklas, T., Rampersaud, G.&Fulgoni, V. (2012) 100% orange juice consumption is associated with better diet quality, improved nutrition adequacy, decreased risk for obesity, and improved biomarkers of health in adults: National health and nutrition examination survey, 2003-2006. Nutrition Journal, Dec, Ahead of print. 

We know cooking with fruit & veg can sometimes be a bit of a chore (watery spinach, anyone?) and we want to help take it to new tasty levels with a few simple recipes that are all at least 1 of your 5-a-day. We’ve teamed up with the Felix Project on some nutritious recipes that are packed with the good stuff and won’t make you want to have a packet of crisps afterwards.

14,053,006,429 portions of fruit & veg

That's how many portions we've got into our drinkers since we started, and we sold 1.3 billion of those in 2022 alone. Not too shabby.

our nutrition promises

We've put our hands on our hearts and made five nutrition promises that we promise to stick to. Here they are so you can hold us to them.

more fibre

All our smoothies will be a natural source of fibre.

more fibre

healthy drinks

We're committed to making sure all of our drinks are healthy, which is why every recipe will have a legal health claim.

healthy drinks heart

lower calories

We will reduce the number of calories in every bottle of innocent.

lowe calories tongue

lower sugar

Every year, we will reduce the amount of natural sugar across all of our ranges.

natural sugar

more choice

We will carry on innovating and offer lower sugar choices for our drinkers.

more choice